Magnus-box Status

Is magnus-box down?

Current Status: magnus-box is UP

We checked the official magnus-box status page for updates 3 mins, 3 seconds ago.

Past magnus-box Incidents

Source: Official magnus-box status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-09-06 16:00 Upcoming Data Migration - Raven to Nexus
0 second

Sep 6, 23:06:39 GMT+0Identified - We have completed the process of pointing all storage vaults to **Nexus**, a...

2024-08-26 02:00 Magnus Box Datacenter Network Maintenance
0 second

Aug 26, 02:19:45 GMT+0Completed - The scheduled maintenance for the Magnus Box Datacenter has been successfull...

2024-07-14 10:00 Nebula Storage Cluster Scheduled Maintenance
0 second

Jul 14, 10:00:00 GMT+0Identified - Wasabi has informed us about an upcoming maintenance window in our Nebula S...

2024-06-19 02:17 Degraded Performance- Wasabi Storage Clusters
0 second

Jun 19, 02:17:54 GMT+0Identified - Hello Partners, Wasabi has informed us of system errors that are affecting...

2024-05-31 01:18 Wasabi US-East-1 and US-East-2 - Degraded performance
0 second

May 31, 01:18:25 GMT+0Identified - Hey there partners, We've become aware of an issue regarding failed backup...

2024-04-04 00:14 Akira/Nexus Hardware Maintenance
0 second

Apr 4, 00:41:19 GMT+0Completed - We have completed our hardware maintenance. . Apr 4, 00:14:00 GMT+0Identifie...

2024-02-20 16:25 Partner Node - Degraded Performance
0 second

Feb 20, 16:25:10 GMT+0Investigating - Dear Valued Partners, We are reaching out to inform you of a current se...

2024-01-21 17:32 Wasabi US-East-1 Errors
0 second

Jan 21, 17:32:41 GMT+0Identified - We've been notified by Wasabi of issues affecting the US-East-1 storage clu...

2023-11-27 17:00 Scheduled Firewall OS Update on Akira and Nexus Storage Clusters
0 second

Nov 27, 17:30:00 GMT+0Completed - Maintenance has completed successfully. Nov 27, 17:00:00 GMT+0Identified - ...

2023-10-29 02:57 Emergency OS Update Notification: Nexus and Akira Clusters
0 second

Oct 29, 02:57:00 GMT+0Identified - Magnus Box Partners, We prioritize the security and reliability of our sy...

2023-09-02 22:36 Akira - Storage cluster Outage
0 second

Sep 2, 22:36:45 GMT+0Monitoring - We experienced a temporary disruption in the VPN connectivity of our Akira S...

2023-07-17 01:32 Nexus Firewall Maintenance
0 second

Jul 17, 01:32:18 GMT+0Identified - We are installing a new firewall at the Magnus Box data center in Michigan,...

2023-05-29 18:28 Nexus Maintenance
0 second

May 29, 18:28:01 GMT+0Identified - The Nexus storage cluster will be down temporarily while the Magnus Box tea...

2023-05-29 13:20 Akira Maintenance
0 second

May 29, 13:20:54 GMT+0Identified - Akira is currently down for scheduled maintenance while we move the cluster...

2023-04-30 11:24 Nexus & Akira storage cluster outage
0 second

Apr 30, 11:24:50 GMT+0Investigating - We regret to inform you that we are currently experiencing an outage wit...

2023-01-07 20:42 Power Outage in our Michigan data center
0 second

Jan 7, 20:42:36 GMT+0Investigating - The data center in Hemlock, MI is experiencing a full power outage. Techn...

2023-01-05 01:00 Defiant to Akira Migration
0 second

Jan 4, 21:46:11 GMT+0Identified - We have shut down the Defiant storage cluster and will start moving vaults a...

2022-12-05 22:03 Phoenix - US East connection issues
0 second

Dec 5, 22:03:35 GMT+0Investigating - Hello Magnus Box Partners, We are currently experiencing connection issu...

2022-11-06 16:38 SMTP servers are experiencing email report errors.
0 second

Nov 6, 16:38:11 GMT+0Investigating - Hello partners, This weekend, the team here at Magnus Box became aware o...

2022-10-29 22:00 Phoenix S3 node replacement
0 second

Oct 29, 22:00:00 GMT+0Identified - This weekend, we will replace the Phoenix storage cluster's S3 node. We hav...

2022-10-16 16:00 Kelvin to Akira Migration
0 second

Oct 16, 16:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We will be completing the Kelvin to Akira migration on Sunday, October 16th...

2022-06-03 03:45 Datacenter power circuit maintenance
0 second

Jun 3, 03:45:00 GMT+0Identified - The Nexus storage cluster's datacenter has notified us that they will perfor...

2022-05-17 01:58 Multiple Partner Servers Offline
0 second

May 17, 01:58:23 GMT+0Investigating - Our NOC has notified us that over 65 partner servers have gone offline. ...

2022-05-01 05:46 Nexus Cluster Rebalancing
0 second

May 1, 05:46:15 GMT+0Monitoring - Magnus Box Partners - The Nexus cluster has experienced a server node failur...

2022-03-16 23:00 Magnus Box Version 22.2.0
0 second

Mar 15, 23:00:00 GMT+0Identified - Magnus Box version 22.2.0 is now available. We will begin pushing the updat...

2022-01-23 18:00 Defiant Cluster / US-South to Vegas migration / Going to production status
0 second

Jan 23, 18:46:49 GMT+0Identified - We have just finished rerouting all backup traffic for the Defiant cluster ...

2022-01-22 17:00 Magnus Box Version 21.11.3
0 second

Jan 22, 18:13:25 GMT+0Identified - We have begun pushing the update.. Jan 23, 01:55:26 GMT+0Completed - We ...

2022-01-21 16:19 Emergency Maintenance - Nebula Cluster
0 second

Jan 21, 16:19:26 GMT+0Investigating - Hello partners, Just to let everyone know, especially those who are on...

2022-01-16 17:00 Nexus Cluster Maintenance
0 second

Jan 16, 17:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We will be performing general maintenance and updates to the Nexus Cluster ...

2022-01-10 18:21 London Datacenter Partial Outage
0 second

Jan 10, 18:21:16 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently experiencing a partial outage in our London location. O...

2021-12-15 06:00 Datacenter Maintenance - Nexus Cluster
0 second

Dec 15, 06:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We have received notification from the datacenter housing the Nexus cluster...

2021-12-14 15:50 Intermittent S3 Errors: US-South, Defiant and Kelvin
0 second

Dec 14, 15:50:56 GMT+0Identified - Hello, partners. Unfortunately, we have to announce that Magnus Box is see...

2021-12-11 07:30 Magnus Box Version 21.11.0
0 second

Dec 11, 07:40:33 GMT+0Identified - Maintenance is now in progress.. Dec 11, 08:06:27 GMT+0Completed - Maint...

2021-11-30 18:00 US-Northeast - Nexus S3 Storage Cluster Maintenance
0 second

Nov 30, 19:20:21 GMT+0Completed - We have finished our scheduled maintenance on the Nexus cluster. Any failed ...

2021-11-28 03:00 EU-Central - Archon Storage Cluster Hardware Upgrade
0 second

Nov 27, 22:11:46 GMT+0Identified - We have begun the process of upgrading the Archon storage cluster node. We ...