Optimism Status

Is Optimism down?

Current Status: Optimism is UP

We checked the official Optimism status page for updates 3 mins, 16 seconds ago.

Past Optimism Incidents

Source: Official Optimism status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-12-05 19:32 OP Mainnet Safe Head Stall
0 second

Dec 5, 19:32:00 GMT+0Identified - OP Mainnet experienced a safe head stall from \~19:30- 21:00 UTC. The incide...

2024-09-17 21:30 sepolia.optimism.io - public endpoint maintenance
0 second

Sep 17, 21:30:00 GMT+0Identified - We are doing maintenance on the OP Sepolia public endpoint. No downtime is ...

2024-09-06 00:53 OP Sepolia Unsafe Head Stall
0 second

Sep 6, 00:53:38 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident.. Sep 6, 00:59:12 GMT+0Reso...

2024-09-03 17:58 OP Mainnet Unsafe Head Stall
0 second

Sep 3, 18:08:06 GMT+0Identified - We have identified the cause of the stall, and are deploying a mitigation. N...

2024-08-13 17:00 OP Sepolia chain halt
0 second

Aug 13, 17:00:00 GMT+0Investigating - We are investigating an OP Sepolia chain halt. All users are affected.. ...

2024-08-09 16:02 Proposals delay on mainnet
0 second

Aug 9, 16:03:16 GMT+0Identified - We have identified the problem and are working on a fix. . Aug 9, 16:15:38 ...

2024-08-06 17:11 OP Sepolia chain halt
0 second

Aug 6, 17:11:00 GMT+0Investigating - OP Sepolia experienced a halt of the unsafe head for around 6 minutes. We...

2024-07-30 20:00 OP Mainnet Infrastructure Maintenance
0 second

Jul 30, 20:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time. No downtime i...

2024-07-23 19:19 Sepolia chain halt
0 second

Jul 23, 19:19:08 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating a chain halt on Sepolia. At this time, all use...

2024-07-16 20:00 OP Mainnet Infrastructure Maintenance
0 second

Jul 16, 20:00:01 GMT+0Identified - Maintenance is now in progress. Jul 16, 20:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We ar...

2024-06-29 00:05 OP Sepolia: Batcher degraded performance
0 second

Jun 29, 00:05:00 GMT+0Investigating - Due to heightened L2 block size on OP Sepolia, the batcher is seeing som...

2024-06-26 20:55 sepolia unsafe head stall - fixed
0 second

Jun 26, 20:55:48 GMT+0Monitoring - We were conducting some cluster maintenance and had unexpected short downti...

2024-06-20 17:10 Elevated Fees on OP Mainnet
0 second

Jun 20, 17:10:29 GMT+0Identified - We are currently experiencing elevated fees on OP Mainnet due to high blob ...

2024-06-11 17:19 op-sepolia unsafe head stall
0 second

Jun 11, 18:09:04 GMT+0Resolved - This incident has been resolved.. Jun 11, 17:19:40 GMT+0Investigating - Ou...

2024-06-04 17:18 OP Sepolia Cluster Upgrade
0 second

Jun 4, 17:18:12 GMT+0Identified - We are upgrading our OP Sepolia cluster. We expect minor service interruptio...

2024-06-03 20:00 Unsafe head stall on op-mainnet
0 second

Jun 3, 20:00:24 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating an unsafe head stall on op-mainnet. At this tim...

2024-05-26 21:36 Unsafe head stall on op-mainnet
0 second

May 26, 21:36:27 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating an unsafe head stall on op-mainnet. At this ti...

2024-05-22 20:06 OP Mainnet Proposer Downtime
0 second

May 23, 07:54:00 GMT+0Resolved - This incident has been resolved.. May 22, 20:06:00 GMT+0Identified - We ha...

2024-05-18 08:10 OP Mainnet degraded performance
0 second

May 18, 08:10:00 GMT+0Investigating - We became aware of a slowdown in the unsafe head of our sequencer today ...

2024-05-14 17:18 OP Sepolia Unsafe Head Stall
0 second

May 14, 17:18:44 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident.. May 14, 17:32:16 GMT+0Id...

2024-05-11 22:44 OP Mainnet Unsafe Head Stall
0 second

May 11, 22:44:21 GMT+0Investigating - We are investigating reports of an unsafe head stall on OP Mainnet.. May...

2024-04-30 05:09 Unsafe Head Stall on OP Mainnet
0 second

Apr 30, 05:09:28 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating reports of unsafe head stalls on OP Mainnet. A...

2024-02-17 23:00 OP Mainnet RPC Instability
0 second

Feb 17, 23:00:00 GMT+0Resolved - Start time: 4pm Feb 16th PST End time: 10:44pm Feb 16th PST At 4pm Feb 16...

2024-02-15 14:00 OP Mainnet planned pause (withdraws only)
0 second

Feb 15, 14:01:00 GMT+0Identified - Withdraws now are paused.. Feb 15, 15:01:51 GMT+0Completed - Withdraws n...

2024-02-15 05:04 Unsafe Head Stall on Mainnet
0 second

Feb 15, 05:26:28 GMT+0Investigating - We are reopening this incident after reports of additional instability.....

2024-02-01 17:58 OP Goerli Sync Instability
0 second

Feb 1, 17:58:09 GMT+0Investigating - We are investigating reports of slow or unstable syncing on OP Goerli.. F...

2024-01-23 17:00 OP Sepolia Planned Pause
0 second

Jan 23, 17:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We will be conducting a test of our forthcoming pausability features on the...

2024-01-11 17:49 Degraded Performance on Public Endpoint
0 second

Jan 11, 17:49:59 GMT+0Investigating - We are investigating reports of degraded performance on the public endpo...

2023-12-20 20:30 OP Goerli planned pause
0 second

Dec 20, 20:30:00 GMT+0Identified - On Wednesday, Dec 20th 12:30pm PST, OP Goerli will be paused as part of a p...

2023-12-17 19:25 Goerli Safe Head Stall (Inscriptions Flood)
0 second

Dec 17, 22:08:35 GMT+0Monitoring - Our team has implemented a fix to resolve the Goerli Safe Head Stall, and i...

2023-10-31 16:48 Goerli Cluster Maintenance
0 second

Oct 31, 16:48:29 GMT+0Monitoring - The Goerli sequencer is currently undergoing required cluster maintenance. ...

2023-10-16 12:22 OP Goerli Head Halt
0 second

Oct 16, 12:22:00 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating a chain halt of OP Goerli. At this time, norma...

2023-10-05 07:16 Goerli Head Stalled for some node operators
0 second

Oct 5, 07:16:00 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating stalled heads on Optimism Goerli. At this time,...

2023-08-28 17:00 OP Mainnet Sequencer Update Enabling ZDD
0 second

Aug 28, 17:00:00 GMT+0Identified - On Monday, August 28th at 17:00 UTC, we are upgrading the OP Mainnet sequen...

2023-07-28 21:00 Goerli Full Sync Issues
0 second

Jul 28, 21:00:51 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating reports of issues with full node sync. At this...

2023-07-28 16:05 Mainnet Safe Head Halt
0 second

Jul 28, 16:32:53 GMT+0Resolved - Our team has resolved the safe head halt, and safe head progression should no...

2023-07-25 23:30 OP Goerli Safe Head Halt
0 second

Jul 25, 23:48:34 GMT+0Resolved - The OP Goerli Safe Head halt has been resolved.. Jul 25, 23:30:42 GMT+0Inves...

2023-07-25 00:11 Mainnet Safe Head Stall
0 second

Jul 25, 00:11:33 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is investigating reports of a safe head stall on mainnet. At th...

2023-07-20 20:42 Sequencer block production halted due to geth restart
0 second

Jul 20, 20:42:31 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident.. Jul 20, 20:51:56 GMT+0Re...

2023-07-13 16:52 OP Goerli Safe Head Halt
0 second

Jul 13, 16:52:16 GMT+0Investigating - We are experiencing increased traffic and a safe head halt on OP Goerli....

2023-07-12 20:00 OP Mainnet Sequencer Update
0 second

Jul 12, 20:00:00 GMT+0Identified - On Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 20:00 UTC, we are upgrading the version of ...

2023-06-27 10:30 Goerli Sequencer Update
0 second

Jun 27, 10:45:01 GMT+0Identified - Update is now in progress.. Jun 27, 10:30:00 GMT+0Identified - We are go...

2023-06-16 20:02 Some Bridge UI deposit transactions failing due to out of gas
0 second

Jun 16, 20:02:50 GMT+0Investigating - Our team is aware of some users reporting failing deposit transactions d...

2023-06-14 19:58 Public Endpoint Elevated Error Rates
0 second

Jun 14, 19:58:11 GMT+0Monitoring - Our team is aware of an ongoing Alchemy outage which may increase error rat...

2023-06-12 21:00 mainnet.optimism.io - public endpoint maintenance
0 second

Jun 12, 21:00:00 GMT+0Identified - We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time. No downtime i...

2023-06-06 16:00 OP Mainnet Bedrock Upgrade
0 second

Jun 6, 16:00:32 GMT+0Identified - The migration has started. Legacy network deposits and withdrawals have been...

2023-06-05 16:12 Sequencer elevated write throughput
0 second

Jun 5, 16:12:56 GMT+0Monitoring - The sequencer is currently experiencing significantly elevated levels of tra...

2023-06-01 23:19 Unsafe head halt
0 second

Jun 1, 23:22:10 GMT+0Identified - Our team has identified the cause of the slow block production, and is activ...

2023-05-13 15:34 Optimism Goerli Unsafe & Safe Head Halt
0 second

May 13, 15:34:51 GMT+0Identified - Our team has identified the cause of the unsafe & safe head halts, and is a...

2023-05-12 18:04 Mainnet batch submitter lag
0 second

May 12, 18:25:45 GMT+0Monitoring - Our team has implemented a fix to mitigate the instability on L1, and is mo...