Current Status: Unosial is UP
We checked the official Unosial status page for updates 2 mins, 8 seconds ago.
Start Time (UTC) | Incident Deep Link | Impact | Duration | Description |
2023-07-12 21:14 | Problem with our CDN - Uploading issue | none | 0 second | Jul 12, 21:14:47 GMT+0Identified - We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.. Jul 12, 21:37:36 more |
2022-12-01 19:40 | Network connection problem - Partial unavailability of services | none | 0 second | Dec 1, 19:40:28 GMT+0Identified - We are currently experiencing a problem with network continuity on some of more |
2022-09-24 21:41 | Problem with our CDN - Uploading issue | none | 0 second | Sep 24, 21:41:32 GMT+0Identified - We are currently experiencing problems with our **CDN infrastructure**, more |
2022-07-14 04:15 | Maintenance of Marsha's infrastructure | none | 0 second | Jul 14, 04:15:00 GMT+0Identified - **Marsha** will undergo a maintenance allowing us to update our more |